Marketing your home effectively means first getting an overview of all the elements involved, then fitting the pieces into their proper places. Your first step is to formulate a strategy for putting your home on the market: what do you expect from your agent, how to set your asking price, how to figure tax benefits, and more…

Selling a home is complicated. From experience, Darryll Whaley knows it’s not just a question of selling a home–it’s also a question of relocating a family. For most homeowners, selling their home is not an everyday experience, and the size of the investment raises as many questions as there are pieces in a jigsaw puzzle.

As your real estate agent, I am in constant contact with the largest number of potential buyers possible to generate a steady flow of prospects specifically interested in your property. Typically, 60% of all buyers come through referrals and ongoing marketing, about 20% come from “for sale” yard signs and general agent reputation, and less than 20% come from promotions and advertising.

I also spend a good deal of time pre-qualifying potential buyers for you. There is nothing more frustrating than spending time negotiating with interested parties that cannot afford to buy your home. Knowing the right questions to ask makes the process smoother!

I also spend time with you working on a sale strategy that combines efforts that you can take to make your home more attractive and information I can use to spark the right sale. Together, we will get the offer that you want!